Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Friend Hamilton -Who I shot Essay - 6642 Words

A Historiographical Discussion of the Duel Between Aaron Burr and The duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton holds a significant relevance in American history and should be examined within the context of early American culture and politics. The recent historiography of the incident provides us with a complex, evolving web of conflicting interpretations. Since the day of this tragic duel, contemporaries and historians have puzzled over why these two prominent American statesmen confronted each other on the Plains of Weehawken. What circumstances or events could have motivated two of the most brilliant political minds in America to endanger their lives and reputations by taking aim at each other on that dismal day?†¦show more content†¦J. Lee and Conalee Levine-Schneidman argued â€Å"it was not Burr who was the instrument, but rather Hamilton himself—or rather Hamilton’s distorted perception of Burr as his evil self† that promulgated the duel.3 This article entitled â€Å"Suicide or Murder? The Burr-Hamilton Duel,† published in a 1980 edition of the Journal of Psychohistory, represents t he first example of â€Å"psycho-history† to be discussed in this paper. The authors presented Aaron Burr as introverted and self-absorbed, a man forever compared to the saintliness of his namesake. His father was a reverend and President of the College of New Jersey and his mother was the daughter of Jonathan Edwards. Therefore, the Schneidmans argued, Burr had quite the reputation to uphold, 1 Joseph J. Ellis, â€Å"The Duel,† in Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation, (New York, NY: Vintage Books, 2000), 20. 2 Ibid., 11. 3 J. Lee and Conalee Levine-Schneidman, â€Å"Suicide or Murder? The Burr-Hamilton Duel.† Journal of Psychohistory 8, no. 2 (1980), 160. writing that â€Å"throughoutShow MoreRelatedFilm Anallysis: Fast and Furious Six1835 Words   |  7 PagesI was watching Fast n’ Furious Six with my best friend. We are a part of Scotland Yard, Her Majesty’s finest men and women. I had an investigation to do, but we needed a break. The investigation was at a dead end and we needed new ideas and taking a break was the best thing we could think of. The credits had finished and the TV was a solid black My best friend looked over to me and broke the silence. â€Å"Hey, did you know that Paul Walker and Vin Diesel were best friends, in the movie and in realRead MoreWhat Makes A Superhero?1420 Words   |  6 PagesHaven t you always thought about being some kind of superhero? I’d be lying if I said I didn t because truth be told I have countless times. But let us think about it for a moment, what makes a superhero so superheroy? Is it their special powers? Secret identities? 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